Aqua 314 - Interactive Panels
Jul 15, 2023 09:45 AM - 11:15 AM(America/Los_Angeles)
20230715T0945 20230715T1115 America/Los_Angeles Interactive #15: Do we matter? Experiences of Asian International & Asian American Supervisors

There is growing research on the supervision dyad of supervisors of color with white supervisees and supervisees of color (Branco & Jones, 2021; Levitt et al., 2022; McKinley, 2019; Rats et al., 2016; Wong et al., 2013). However, a specific focus on Asian international (AI) and Asian American (AA) supervisors is nearly invisible in research. In this interactive panel, a group of AI and AA psychologists will discuss experiences of marginalization within the supervisory relationship, serving as a call to action for clinicians and researchers. Detailed topics: Stereotypes of AI and AA: Authority, Meekness, Model Minority, etc. Systemic Experiences of Microaggression/-Isms Cultural Intricacies - Immigration Various Stages of Career Development Through small and large group discussion, panelists and participants will discuss the following: As a supervisor, what is your experience with addressing racial, cultural, nationality/national origin, and other intersectional identities with a supervisee? Have you experienced systemic challenges as an AA/AI supervisor that impacted your supervision? Does this influence your decision making when providing affirming, challenging, and/or directive/corrective feedback when a need seems to arise? How can non-AI/AA identified colleagues support those facing challenging clinical supervisory interactions?

Aqua 314 - Interactive Panels 2023 APA Division 45 Research Conference
16 attendees saved this session

There is growing research on the supervision dyad of supervisors of color with white supervisees and supervisees of color (Branco & Jones, 2021; Levitt et al., 2022; McKinley, 2019; Rats et al., 2016; Wong et al., 2013). However, a specific focus on Asian international (AI) and Asian American (AA) supervisors is nearly invisible in research. In this interactive panel, a group of AI and AA psychologists will discuss experiences of marginalization within the supervisory relationship, serving as a call to action for clinicians and researchers. Detailed topics: Stereotypes of AI and AA: Authority, Meekness, Model Minority, etc. Systemic Experiences of Microaggression/-Isms Cultural Intricacies - Immigration Various Stages of Career Development Through small and large group discussion, panelists and participants will discuss the following: As a supervisor, what is your experience with addressing racial, cultural, nationality/national origin, and other intersectional identities with a supervisee? Have you experienced systemic challenges as an AA/AI supervisor that impacted your supervision? Does this influence your decision making when providing affirming, challenging, and/or directive/corrective feedback when a need seems to arise? How can non-AI/AA identified colleagues support those facing challenging clinical supervisory interactions?

Senior Staff Psychologist
University of California, Irvine
Senior Staff Psychologist
University of California, Irvine
Senior Staff Psychologist
University of California, Irvine
Senior Staff Psychologist
Staff Psychologist
University of California, Irvine
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