Land Acknowledgement
For millennia, the Kumeyaay people have been a part of this land. This land has nourished, healed, protected and embraced them for many generations in a relationship of balance and harmony. As visitors to the San Diego community we acknowledge this legacy. We promote this balance and harmony. We find inspiration from this land; the land of the Kumeyaay.
Welcome Message
On behalf of the Conference Planning Committee, welcome to the 7th Biennial Division 45 Research Conference! American Psychological Association Division 45 has supported research on communities of color since it was established in 1986. Since 1999, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology has been the official Division 45 journal and has become the flagship journal for research in our field.
As part of his Division 45 Presidential Initiative, Dr. Robert Sellers established the Division 45 Research Conference in 2010. The purpose was to create a venue focused on multicultural research in all areas of psychology. This conference has become the premier meeting on culture, ethnicity, and race. Because of the pandemic, the 2021 conference was virtual. This is our first IRL (in real life) conference since 2018.
The original co-chairs of this year's conference were Drs. Anne Saw and Barbara Thelamour. Both had to step away from the conference for health and family reasons. In March, I unexpectedly agreed to co-chair the conference with Dr. Nellie Tran. I am very grateful to Dr. Tran and to Division 45 Manager David DeVito for their extensive work to make this conference a reality. I am especially grateful to the conference planning committee and the Division 45 leadership, listed below, for seeing the conference from start to finish.
I hope that you have a rich experience of research and relationships this weekend,
Gordon C. Nagayama Hall
Conference Co-Chair
Research Conference Sponsors
We are grateful for the support of our 2023 American Psychology Association Division 45 Research Conference sponsors!
University of Michigan
San Diego University College of Sciences
APA Science Directorate
Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards
Sanford University
Dr. Farzana Tabitha Saleem
University of Oregon Division of Equity and Inclusion
Friend ($1,000)
Alliant International University
National Latinx Psychological Association
Jeana Abadejos, LMFT